Dental Fillings in Yokine

Leaving a cavity untreated can affect deeper layers of your teeth; your smile is one thing you should never compromise on! At Clear Choice Dental, we deliver effective dental fillings that can preserve your pearly whites.
dental fillings in yokine
don't let cavities get you down, restore your sparkling smile with dental fillings

Don't Let Cavities Get You Down, Restore Your Sparkling Smile with Dental Fillings

Cavities are a pain and can often lead to more serious dental problems if not addressed quickly.

A cavity is a hole in your tooth caused by bacteria eating away at the enamel. If left untreated, a cavity can get bigger and damage the inside of your tooth, which can lead to discomfort, infection, and even tooth loss.

Dental fillings are a great way to restore your healthy and sparkling smile. To manage a cavity, a dental professional will remove the decayed portion of the tooth and then “fill” the area on the tooth where the decayed material used to be. In line with this, dental fillings can also help repair chipped or broken teeth using high-quality materials that blend with your natural teeth. At Clear Choice Dental, we offer quality dental filling services that are durable and long-lasting so you can feel confident about your smile again. Reach us now at (08) 9345 0455; we can’t wait to help you achieve healthily glowing teeth!

Common Reasons Why You Need Dental Fillings

Let your sparkling smile shine again with dental fillings. At Clear Choice Dental, our entire team is dedicated to helping you restore your teeth without sacrificing quality.

Here are some of the primary reasons why you might need dental fillings:


If you have tooth decay that causes cavity formation, our professional dentist will drill out the affected portion of the tooth and apply a filling. Our dental filling procedure stops bacteria from building up in cavities and let you enjoy a brilliant smile for years to come.

Damaged Teeth:

Want to continue eating your favorite foods without pain? If you have chipped off just a small piece of tooth enamel, our dentist may repair the damage while preserving your teeth’ function and natural appearance.

Teeth Sensitivity:

There are many causes of sensitive teeth, including wear-and-tear on your enamel. If you have pain due to exposed roots or other issues related to oral care then, a dental filling treatment at Clear Choice Dental might be able to help.

Chipped Tooth:

At Clear Choice Dental, we know that tooth fractures can be a major inconvenience. A chipped tooth can lead to tooth decay, which will result in tooth sensitivity; with our efficient dental filling procedure, you can finally wave goodbye to your dental problems!

Start Your Smile Transformation Today!

Experience a brighter, healthier smile with Clear Choice Dental Yokine. Our dedicated team of dentists delivers tailored treatments, employs advanced techniques, and fosters a warm and welcoming environment. Schedule your initial consultation, and let’s start your journey to better oral health!

Why Choose Clear Choice Dental in Yokine

Find out what it’s like to visit a dental clinic that is friendly and comfortable! We’re excited to offer patients high-quality treatment using cutting-edge technology, techniques, and personalised treatment plans so all their oral healthcare goals can be met efficiently. Our highly trained dentists are committed to providing safe procedures, including dental fillings, to keep your teeth and gums healthy using recent innovations.

We believe a beautiful smile is worth every penny. With this, we accept private health insurance and payment plans, so you can get the treatment that meets industry standards without breaking your pocket. Our dental clinic also offers efficient dental fillings at different locations, such as Maddington and Joondalup. Stay on top of your dental health with us today!

why choose clear choice dental in yokine

Frequently Asked Questions

Dental fillings are one of the most common dental procedures designed to fill up cavities and repair damaged teeth. It is an easy dental treatment to help patients regain their bright, shiny smiles.
The following are some of the benefits of tooth fillings:

It prevents the worsening of a cavity

Your dentist will remove the decayed part of your tooth when you get a filling. After the cavity has been filled, a qualified dentist will seal the hole with filling material. This prevents the nerve endings in your dentine from being vulnerable to the temperatures of the foods you consume and the acids produced by the bacteria in your mouth. The nerves can be exposed when you have a cavity, resulting in toothaches.

Rebuilds the tooth structure

A dental filling improves the structure of your tooth. Fillings strengthen teeth and prevent them from being damaged by cavities. Since fillings are temporary treatments, your tooth will not be compromised during the application process.

It helps strengthen fractured teeth

By using a filling, you can restore a fractured tooth. Several teeth can be fractured due to oral trauma from sports or an accident. It’s also possible to fracture the teeth by chewing hard things like ice or hard candies. As you age, your teeth become weaker, which leaves you more prone to chips and fractures.

A dental filling can make your teeth appear brighter
A dental filling is often placed on a tooth that has been stained and discoloured. The foods and beverages you consume can stain your teeth, such as coffee and red wine. Additionally, bad habits such as smoking can cause your teeth to lose their natural colour.

Reduces your teeth from decay

Small holes can develop on your teeth which aren’t large enough to be considered cavities, but these holes cause food to be trapped inside. Over time, these holes will cause decay but they can be repaired with dental fillings.

Dental fillings are used to repair teeth that have been damaged by decay. In the past, dental fillings were made from a variety of materials, including gold, silver, and even lead. However, these days, the vast majority of dental fillings are created from composite materials.

Composite materials are typically made from a mixture of glass or quartz filler particles and a resin binder. While there is always some risk associated with having any foreign material in the mouth, composite materials are generally considered to be safe.

In fact, composite fillings are actually safer than metal fillings in many ways. They contain no mercury, and they are bonded directly to the tooth, which helps to prevent further decay. In addition, composite fillings can be matched to the same colour as your natural teeth. Thus, they are virtually indistinguishable from your own teeth. Overall, composite fillings are a safe and effective way to repair damaged teeth.

In general, dentists will not recommend removing fillings unless it has a valid reason. Even though amalgam fillings can last for many years, over time they may need to be replaced due to leakage at the edges, excessive corrosion, and deterioration. Also, amalgam fillings expand and contract, leading to cracks in your teeth.

The average lifespan of a filling is around five to fifteen years with good dental care. The durability of your filling depends on the material used, your dental care routine, and the amount of pressure caused by chewing or teeth grinding. Over time, the filling may loosen, crack, or even fall out.

Are you worried about getting a cavity filled? Take a look at this list of things you can expect at your appointment to ease your mind. Filling procedures will vary based on the filling’s location and the materials used. The basic steps are as follows:

Numbing your mouth:

Depending on your preference, the dentist may numb your teeth before beginning cavity filling to reduce pain. This will be done by rubbing a jelly-like substance on the teeth and the surrounding areas. A local anesthetic will be injected into the gum surrounding the affected tooth, making you numb.

Afterwards, you may get a rubber dam placed on your teeth:

A rubber sheet may be placed in your mouth in some cases so that your dentist can easily access the affected tooth. It also prevents liquids or tooth chips from entering your mouth or down your throat.

Getting rid of the decay:

The dental professional then removes the decayed material in the tooth with a laser, drill, or air abrasion tool. While this part may sound scary, the anesthetics and numbing gel applied at the beginning will greatly minimise the discomfort. As soon as the tooth is free of decay, the dentist will carefully clean it and prepare it for filling.

Completing the process by filling the cavity:

After decayed material has been removed, a clean cavity is left within the tooth. A dentist will fill the space with the filling materials that you prefer at this point. In order to avoid bacteria growth, the hole has to be filled properly, without gaps and unevenness. This will protect your teeth from further decay.

Following the cavity filling, your dentist will file and smooth your tooth to ensure you can chew normally. In a few minutes, the treatment will be completed.

In some cases, patients experience tooth sensitivity or discomfort after a filling. This can be caused by an allergic reaction, nerve irritation, or incorrect bite alignment. The sensation of sensitivity after a filling typically subsides over time. If, however, you are experiencing extreme pain or discomfort coupled with other symptoms, such as fever or swelling, you should call your dentist right away.

Following the placement of a filling, certain steps should be taken to prevent decay from forming around the filling or on other teeth. In essence, you should treat dental fillings the same way as natural teeth. Here are the dental fillings aftercare checklist you might want to consider:

  • Whenever possible, avoid biting down on hard objects
  • Refrain from consuming sticky foods
  • Keep your teeth clean by brushing regularly
  • Make sure to floss every day
  • Keep up with your regular dental check-ups
  • Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste

Having great oral health and a beautiful smile is something that every individual should be proud of. The tips above can be applied to your everyday routine to improve your oral health, preserve your dental fillings, and maintain them in great condition.

One of the most affordable dental procedures is dental fillings. The cost of a simple filling on a back tooth usually runs between $160 and $200, while a simple filling on a front tooth may cost around $150 – $200. Whereas more complex fillings on the back tooth can cost $300 – $390, and on the front tooth, it can cost between $270 and $350. The cost of each procedure will always vary, so make sure to visit our clinic for assessment.

Schedule An Appointment With Clear Choice Dental Today

If you're looking for high-quality dental care, look no further than Clear Choice Dental. We offer a wide range of services to meet your needs, and our experienced team is dedicated to providing you with outstanding care. Please book an appointment with us today and see why we're the clear choice for dental care.

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